About Joanne

"I grew up in Ireland; a country rich with colourful, good-natured people who love to tell stories.  One of my uncles used to sit and tell stories for hours on end.  He wove tales of trials and great achievements of every day people in the face of adversity; -  the heroe's journey in the ordinary lives of people like you and me.  This is the journey I share with you - your own hero's path to healing or awareness.  Life is marked by challenges - physical injury and pain; emotional hurt and trauma; difficult decisions and unexpected events.  These things can be worked through. 

It was these things that led me to turn to kinesiology for help.  I had physical illness and emotional hurt that prevented me from functioning properly.  I had always had a healthy diet, for years  I exercised regularly,  practiced yoga and meditation, and experienced many forms of traditional counselling.  When I reached a dead end with no light in sight; kinesiology opened pathways to my unconscious;  which gave me insights and ultimately healing and true self awareness.  The more I experienced treatments, the more accurate I saw it was with consistency. I couldn’t believe it was possible to use a simple muscle check to find out what my unconscious stress really was; or how past experiences were still creating my beliefs and holding me back.

I never imagined at that point I would become a practitioner.  I was so fascinated by how it worked I learnt it for myself at first.  As I studied bioenergetics and biochemistry and all the detailed information on anatomy and physiology, it all made logical sense.  10 years later,  I have moved home, changed career, and I am more grounded and living the way I want, without the limitations I used to put on myself. So kinesiology truly changed my life.

The change wasn’t without its difficulties; but I couldn't have managed as well without the tools I learnt  from kinesiology.  This path of growth was essentially  about self awareness,  self empowerment and self responsibility.  I want everyone to have the support they need in their time of darkness, illness or hardship; to have the courage to leave that place,  find that ideal job or fix/ leave relationship and not compromise themselves.  I want everyone to have the benefit of effective  guidance about their life direction or path.  This is a big question for so many people today – how do I find a sense of meaning in life?  I started asking questions and making  decisions the long and hard way at the beginning. With kinesiology, I was able to find my way much more efficiently with a lot less hardship and heartache.

This journey is not just about healing, it’s learning how to be truly self aware, change your life with conscious choices, and be responsible for yourself without playing into a victim blame game.  Just changing your perspective or attitude can quickly shift everything into endless possibilities that keep growing."

Qualifications and studies completed

Diploma of Transformational Kinesiology and Transpersonal healing, Level 1-7 + coaching and astrology Level 1-3, The Path Level 1-3 -Polaris International Institute Denmark and Sydney AUS

Educator of Transformational Kinesiology and Energetic Anatomy 1-2 Polaris Institute - G & R Fremming

Diploma of Kinesiology Create Your Reality Kinesiology School QLD Aus  G Bennett

Clarity Breathwork Facilitator Level 1-5 Clarity Breathwork Hawaii A Sorlaris & D Dharma

LEAP programs Brain Integration & neural pathways, Intro, Levels 1-4 - C Krebbs J Mooney

Yoga teacher trainer Santosha Yoga Institute Byron Bay AUS

Shamanic Healing SOTEMS AUS -Peter Mc Lelland

Reiki Level 1

Deer Tribe Shamanic Red Lodge program Yr 1-4 - Deer Tribe active member

Joanne has participated in a vast variety of  transformational trainings all over the world, mostly yoga and transpersonal teachings in India, Nepal, Thailand, Brazil, Peru, Ireland, New Zealand and Australia. She has a special interest in yoga & the subtle energy body, esoteric astrology, shamanic teachings and Druid mysticism.